1. Polyvore
So I had never really used polyvore before but I thought I would try it out and I can honestly say it has become one of my favourite sites. If you don't know what it is then it's this site where you can make your own outfits and if you see anything you like it gives you the place it came from and you can go buy it there.
*If any of you want my polyvore is nannerz-174
2.Over-sized jumpers
I don't know why but I have gotten into wearing over-sized jumpers a lot recently and I think I have a problem now. I have SO many on my amazon wishlist and so many favorites on polyvore I dunno I just love over-sized jumpers

3.The hobbit: The battle of five armies
I bought this for my brothers b-day and I watched the first one and about half way through I got bored (because it's such a long movie) and then my brother for his sixteenth borrowed the second from his friend and I watched all of that and then I bought him the third one and I actually really liked it.
4. Bands
I have recently gotten really into bands, I liked a few before but now I am listening to bands 24/7. It started with 5sos then nirvana and then just so many after.

6. Mockingjay part 1
So I watched this at my friends house and I loved it, i know some people say it was a let down but I guess i didn't set my expectations too high and even though i felt like they had rushed the end a little bit I still liked it. I think I'm gonna like part 2 better because that's when most of the action comes in but (SPOILER ALERT) if finnick and prim die in the film I will cry.
7.Blindside (movie)
Okay so we watched this film in school for R.E and I actually really liked it. It's a true story about this black guy called Michael oar who comes from a bad place and has had a bad start but this family decide to bring them into their home and discover he is good at football, the movie is about their life and how they go through people saying they're only doing it out of white guilt and people at Michaels school being racist. But in the end Michael gets accepted to college and plays for a really good football team. It does get emotional and I almost cried at the end (call me a wimp if you want) but I liked the movie.
So there is my may favourites and sorry for not posting anything in ages
stay kawaii guys byeeeee
-Nannerz :3
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