Thursday 5 February 2015

My ambitions

Guys I'm really sorry I didn't upload anything on monday or wednesday but we had a few tests at school so I had no time to upload anything but yeah... XD 
So this is post is about some of my big dreams to do when I'm older 
So I've never really known what I wanted to be when I grow up for a job just because there were so many things I wanted to be like writer,designer,artist,singer/songwriter but there have been a few things I've always wanted to do and I'm just gonna tell you about them 

1. make a game 
So for a while I've always had this idea for a videogame but obviously I'm too young to develop one and I have no idea how to anyway but I really do hope that some time in the future I can make it for real maybe? 

2. make and publish a book 
Ever since I was little I've wanted to write a book and a last year I wrote a horror book and I was so proud of myself I've even had a few more ideas for book and I've writing a few but I never really got into them. 

3.Have my artwork on display somewhere 
I've always had this dream of one day seeing my artwork in a museum or gallery because I think that would just be so cool. ;-) 

4. Record a song or album 
I've always wanted to do something with singing and I've started writing songs in the past year and just doing talent shows with friends and people kept saying that I was good or me and my friends were good
So me and my friend rachel (rabbitscherriez.blogspot) have been thinking about recording some covers and maybe even original songs and putting them onto a CD's and maybe selling them at like car boot sales and stuff

so thats just a few of my ambitions and ideas that I want to try and do when I'm older 
I'm sorry about not uploading but I thought I would make it up to you by uploading today (I don't usually upload on a thursday) 
Stay Kawaii guys Byeeeee
-Nannerz :3

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