Saturday 28 February 2015

Review:Video Games 3 with apps!

Okay guys this is gonna be an other review on some video games I have enjoyed in the past few months. I am also going to include some apps this time :P

Grow home
So I really like this game because it is SO cute and it looks like a kiddie game but its not. You play as a character called B.U.D (who is a robot) and you just go on a little adventure with him.I also really like the art style. 

the static speaks my name
This game is a lot like presentable liberty but it is a lot shorter. (like only 5-10 minutes long) and you play as this guy who is obsessed with a painting and this game is a little creepy and the ending is hard hitting so this game is only for older people like (14 and over maybe. But if you are younger and still want to play the game I would say that you shouldn't play it if you are younger than 12) 

Crossy road. (App)
so in this app you pick a character and try to get as far as you can across the roads and rivers without getting run over. you collect more characters the more you play by getting more coins. 

So there you go there are three games I liked this month 
Stay Kawaii guys byeeeeeeee

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